Submitted by Name: Eugene Berger From: Peru, Indiana E-mail: Contact
Comments: As Airman Yale AFIT -1957 Chinese 6925th & 6925tl OL (PY-Do - 1958) As Officer 13th AFSSO - Clark Afb, RPI- 1960 Left Security Service to become a fighter pilot
Added: December 24, 2015
Submitted by Name: Robert Benson From: Castroville, Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: Life Long SSFCU and All Other Names Member
1965 Keesler - one of first X2, not just an X1 drop-out 1966 Goodfellow (6942 School Squad) X2 school 1966 - 1969 RAF Chicksands (6950) 1969 - 1971 Iraklion AS Crete (6931) 1971 - 1972 Ft Devens, Mass (Advanced Signals School) 1972 - 1975 Elmendorf (6981) 1975 - 1978 Medina Annex Kelly AFB (6993) 1978 - 1981 Misawa (6920) 1981 - 1982 Ft Meade (6940) 1982 - 1985 Bad Aibling GE (6915) 1985 - 1987 Kelly (HQ Special Programs) (Retired) 1988 - 1988 Jan - Jun Took 6 mon off 1988 - 2010 Kelly/Lackland (HQ Special Programs 2010 - 2015 Kelly/Lackland (HQ Special Programs Senior Advisor)
Added: November 7, 2015
Submitted by Name: John Kasten From: Sun City West, AZ (Originally Wisconsin) E-mail: Contact
Comments: I was in the 6916 at Rhein Main starting in May of 1962. Russian, Syracuse (Hill Top). Anyone else from those that time frame, drop me a line.
Added: November 6, 2015
Submitted by Name: Bob Gannon From: St Petersburg FL E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wakkanai Japan -- 6921 RGM Det 2 > 6986 RSM -- 1958 to 1961 -- "ditty bop" & D/F operator -- arrived as A2C and left as SSgt, NCOIC of the D/F Unit -- LOVED the place, altho I was too young to appreciate it at the time :-) Just finished reading Larry's Vol III and enjoyed it immensely -- I was actually never aware of the history and lineage of the units which spawned all their successors, and which will now fade (mostly unheralded) into history. More's the pity!
Added: August 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Chuck Maki From: rock island, illinois E-mail: Contact
Comments: hi larry, I tried the guestbook but it did not work well for me so maybe this willl. 1. TUSLOG = THE United States Logistics Group. not Turkish-United States etc....a mistake easily made but no big deal. 2. I got to Karamursel, Det 1 in fall of 1957. we called it mudsite instead of mainsite 3. After Det 1 was closed, many were sent away while others were given jobs all over the place so I with another guy was 'personal affairs' and Ed Watts actually sent me a copy of the 6933 rgm clearance form with my initials on it cgm it was a 6933RGM form 31 of 5 SEP 58. 4. After leaving that place, I went too 6910 RGM at Sembach in Germany. I did a TDY to Hof where I did pass an ops room and heard a guy say, 'he's changing frequency' or some such.
5. I finished your book and it is an amazing amount of work you guys did...and here I was across from Armenia where it occurred. I do not recall it being in Air Force Times. Chuck Maki, A2c 73250 personnel spec. thanks for the book - I passed on to a relative who will read it.
Added: June 22, 2015
Submitted by Name: Dan Schaffer From: Pompano Beach, Fl E-mail: Contact
Comments: Are there any other old IFEL/PY-Do boys still around?
Added: June 13, 2015
Submitted by Name: chris From: kirknewton E-mail: Contact
Comments: My unknown father archie vonnanne worked with usafss or a pilot of sorts, he is from Washington dc and my mother fell pregnant in 65 and he left for somewhere else not knowing, anyone with any info at all would be appreciated. Chris.
Added: May 13, 2015
Submitted by Name: Mike O'Connell From: Hertford, NC E-mail: Contact
Comments: I became a part of USAFSS in 1971 and remained a part of the family thru its many iterations up to and including AIA. I served as an MK and an MF in numerous functions both airborne and ground and retired at the end of 2000. From my first operational assignment at Offutt (OL-AA 6948th SS but flying 14+ hour "Beaner" missions with the 6949th) to NAS Key West (OL-BB (later Det 1) 6947th SS) to Hellenikon AB (6916th ESS), to Kelly AFB (HQ ESC), to Iraklion AS (6931st ESS), to Souda Bay (OL-RS 6988th (later 488th) ESS), to my last assignment at WPAFB (HQ NAIC), nothing compared to flying operational missions. Especially memorable are those out of Hellenikon flying along side the likes of Les Baney, Mike Powell, Gary Kehl, Sam Watson, Wally Knox and a host of other superb, highly talented technicians. Those really were the days...some truly unique and interesting missions, and the TDYs to such vacation spots as Khartoum (Operation Arid Farmer) and Riyadh were just icing on the cake. Thanks for providing the forum and allowing and old linguist to reminisce and share a few memories.
Added: March 16, 2015
Submitted by Name: Les Baney From: PA originally E-mail: Contact
Comments: I worked with Larry and often was part of his crew while stationed at the 6916th ESS in Athens, Greece. He was a guest at my wedding in Ano Glyfada and our 41st wedding anniversary is coming up in June. I have been able to maintain my linguistic expertise due to several civilian jobs over the years. I will be 66 this April and am contemplating early retirement at that time. I'll never forget the hard work and good times we had at the 6916th.
Added: February 28, 2015
Submitted by Name: Jeff Duvall From: Tallahassee, Florida E-mail: Contact
Comments: I was a Russian linguist at Syracuse 1961-62. Trabzon, Det.3-2 from 9/62-12/63 (arrived just in time for the Cuban Missile Crisis), 6913th RSM, Bremerhaven from 12/63-10/64. Great times.
Name: Eugene Berger
From: Peru, Indiana
E-mail: Contact
As Airman
Yale AFIT -1957 Chinese
6925th & 6925tl OL (PY-Do - 1958)
As Officer
13th AFSSO - Clark Afb, RPI- 1960
Left Security Service to become a fighter pilot