Frequently Asked Question #1
Background information on the authors and the book
A. Title: "The Price of Vigilance: Attacks on American Surveillance Aircraft"
B. Type/Category: Non-fiction, History, Military (Intelligence)
C. Authors: Larry Tart and Robert Keefe
1) Larry is a retired career Air Force NCO; also a retired engineer and program manager. He and wife, Diane live in State College, PA.
2) Bob is an English professor with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He and wife, Jan, live in Northampton, MA.
3) Both were Russian linguists who flew reconnaissance missions as voice intercept operators during the Cold War.
D. Publisher: Ballantine Books Division of Random House
E. Publication Date: June 2001, available in bookstores on
June 12, in time for Father's Day.
F. Format: Hardcover in the 650 page range, plus more than 40 photos of airborne reconnaissance in the 1940s and 1950s
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: ISBN 0-8041-1911-2
Retail Price: $26.00; $40.00 in Canada